Craig Mowrey
Craig Mowrey
Born and raised in Connecticut, Craig sensed a call to ministry in New England while attending a youth conference as a teenager and has never looked back. Having served at Walnut Hill for 21 years, Craig began his ministry overseeing our youth and family ministries. In 2009, Craig was tasked with researching the multi-site campus movement taking place in other parts of the country and prayerfully considering how such a model could be adapted and used in New England to spread the Gospel to areas of great spiritual need. In 2010, following extensive planning, Craig led a team of dedicated volunteers to launch our Waterbury Campus and faithfully served there as pastor for 10 years. Today, churches in New England regularly seek out Craig to ask advice related to campus ministry. His pioneering work, which is based on the development of strong lay leadership, continues to make a difference in our region.
Craig’s education includes a Bachelor of Biblical and Theological Studies at Wheaton College and a Masters in Transformational Leadership at Bethel Seminary.
Craig is married to Amy and has three children. Craig has a passion for his community and enjoys coaching soccer and hockey, and building relationships in his neighborhood. He likes to hike and recently completed all 46 high peaks in Adirondack State Forest.
At Walnut Hill, Craig is responsible for the development, care and mobilization of God’s people for life, ministry and mission.
Specific Responsibilities Include:
• Vision and overall direction (shared responsibility with Adam)
• Member of the Elder Board (pastoral care)
• Oversight of the campus pastors
• Development of current and future campuses
• Oversight of leadership development
• Oversight of staff development (pastoral)
• Oversight of the shepherding and care of God's people
• Oversight of outreach and Church in Action
• Oversight of generational ministries
• Fundraising

Born and raised in Connecticut, Craig sensed a call to ministry in New England while attending a youth conference as a teenager and has never looked back. Having served at Walnut Hill for 21 years, Craig began his ministry overseeing our youth and family ministries. In 2009, Craig was tasked with researching the multi-site campus movement taking place in other parts of the country and prayerfully considering how such a model could be adapted and used in New England to spread the Gospel to areas of great spiritual need. In 2010, following extensive planning, Craig led a team of dedicated volunteers to launch our Waterbury Campus and faithfully served there as pastor for 10 years. Today, churches in New England regularly seek out Craig to ask advice related to campus ministry. His pioneering work, which is based on the development of strong lay leadership, continues to make a difference in our region.
Craig’s education includes a Bachelor of Biblical and Theological Studies at Wheaton College and a Masters in Transformational Leadership at Bethel Seminary.
Craig is married to Amy and has three children. Craig has a passion for his community and enjoys coaching soccer and hockey, and building relationships in his neighborhood. He likes to hike and recently completed all 46 high peaks in Adirondack State Forest.
At Walnut Hill, Craig is responsible for the development, care and mobilization of God’s people for life, ministry and mission.
Specific Responsibilities Include:
• Vision and overall direction (shared responsibility with Brian and Adam)
• Member of the Elder Board (pastoral care)
• Oversight of the campus pastors
• Development of current and future campuses
• Oversight of leadership development
• Oversight of staff development (pastoral)
• Oversight of the shepherding and care of God's people
• Oversight of outreach and Church in Action
• Oversight of generational ministries
• Fundraising
In this interim season, Craig shares preaching and teaching responsibilities alongside Adam and our preaching team.
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