our history
our history

Walnut Hill Community Church was born out of a passion for doing God’s work in Connecticut and around the world. Its history is a story of men and women willing to follow God’s leading into uncharted territory and willing to trust Him to do extraordinary things in and through them.
Seven couples in a home Bible study dream of a church that would commit to preach the Word of God, welcome people of all backgrounds, raise up the next generation and share the Good news of Jesus in their community and around the world.
Doors open as 80 people began gathering in a local hotel. Within 18 months, the church nearly doubles in size and a family was called to the mission field.
350 people now call the church home. Children’s and youth ministries are in full force and ministry is flourishing as members are led to begin a camp, an inner city mentoring program and missions-sending organizations.
Services began being held at the new building located at 156 Walnut Hill Road in Bethel. With room to expand, the church launches programs to promote healthy homes, be an irresistible influence in the community, and articulates a calling to become a regional resource in New England.
God’s blessing continues as the church completes its first expansion project and is now 1,200 people strong.
A fresh emphasis on prayer is birthed and within seven months hundreds of people commit to pray one hour each week so that the church can cover 24 hours a day, 7 days a week in prayer.
Ministry flourishes with women serving in the local prison, church partnerships are initiated around the world and evangelism becomes the heart cry of the church.
2,000 people now call Walnut Hill home, the building’s second renovation is complete with no more room for expansion. With a commitment to seeing people meet Jesus, a unified elder board leads the church in launching satellite campuses.
Four campus locations are meeting regularly in Bethel, Waterbury, Derby and New Milford. Since 2007, more than 1,200 people have surrendered to Jesus through the ministries at Walnut Hill.
5 million people are impacted through Walnut Hill’s global partnerships each year, 600 children in four communities participate in summer camps, youth are sent and serve across New England. The homeless are cared for, prisoners are visited, at-risk boys and girls are mentored, schools are supported, marriages are restored and families are comforted. Each week, people are encountering the living God through worship services on Sunday at our physical locations as well as through our Online Campus, which was launched March 2020.
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