heaven came down


The Christmas story is filled with moments where God moved and made Himself known. Heaven came down at Christmas time, ultimately as God sent His son Jesus, but also in the stories leading up to Jesus’ birth. Each week during this Advent series, we will focus on a different character in the Christmas story and learn about how Heaven came to earth then and what this teaches us about bringing Heaven to earth today.

Week 1 | Calling Heaven Down (Zachariah) | Brian Mowrey

Week 2 | Seeing God in Others (Elizabeth) | Brian Mowrey

Week 3 | Radical Obedience (Joseph) | Crystal Ellington, Victoria Kowarick

Week 4 | Trusting Beyond Understanding (Mary) | Brian Mowrey

Week 5 | Experiencing the Presence of God (Jesus) | Brian Mowrey

Week 6 | Keeping in Step With the Spirit (Simeon and Anna) | Brian Mowrey, Becca Mowrey

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