September 2020-August 2021, we are focusing on our On the Other Side of Yes initiative. The stories of the Bible would be drastically different if the characters all said no. Imagine if Abraham didn’t believe or if Mary said, “Find another surrogate.” What if the disciples refused to drop their nets or if the little boy with the bread and fish said, “These are mine,” and refused to give them up? God moved powerfully on the other side of their yes, and we know them as world changers today.

Year Launch | On the Other Side of Yes | Brian Mowrey

Week 1 | Say Yes to His Promises | Brian Mowrey

Week 2 | Say Yes to Prayer and Fasting | Victoria Kowarick

Week 3 | Say Yes to Forgiveness and Peacemaking | Brian Mowrey

Week 4 | Say Yes to Compassion and Unity | Brian Mowrey

Week 5 | Say Yes to Gratitude and Generosity | Adam DePasquale, Craig Mowrey

Week 6 | Say Yes to Being Sent | Brian Mowrey

Week 7 | Say Yes in Every Season: Waiting | Brian Mowrey

Week 8 | Say Yes in Every Season: Suffering | Brian Mowrey

Week 9 | Say Yes in Every Season: Celebration | Brian Mowrey, Adam DePasquale, Craig Mowrey

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