suit up

Suit Up

Ephesians 6 talks about the armor of God and the battle that we face every day. Each piece has been given to us by God and serves an important purpose in order to protect our faith as we stand firm against the enemy. But just like anything else, it takes practice to learn how to put it on. There’s a battle out there…let’s suit up!

Week 1 | Who Are We Fighting Against? | Brian Mowrey

Week 2 | The Belt of Truth | Brian Mowrey

Week 3 | The Breastplate of Righteousness | Victoria Kowarick

Week 4 | The Shoes of Peace | Brian Mowrey, Lance Sven

Week 5 | The Shield of Faith | Greg Flower

Week 6 | The Helmet of Salvation | Brian Mowrey

Week 7 | The Sword of the Spirit | Brian Mowrey

Week 8 | Pray Always | Brian Mowrey

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