who is jesus?

One of the most important questions we can ask ourselves in life is, “who am I?” The first step is understanding Who you were created by, and what you were created for. Life gives us many challenges along the way, but we were never meant to experience them alone.
We were created for a relationship with God. The bad news is, we’ve all sinned and tried to live life our own way, which separates us from Him. But there’s Good News! Because of God’s amazing love and Jesus Christ’s death on the cross, we can be forgiven. Our relationship can be restored (reconciled) with our Father in Heaven both now and for all eternity. This comes by committing your life to Jesus.
“If you declare with your mouth ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.” Romans 10:9
How? It begins by a decision to respond to God’s call, seek His forgiveness and ask Him to teach you how to live in a way that honors Him. To “surrender” begins as you declare that Jesus is God and decide to commit your life to following Him. You can use the following points to help you think through what you want to say to God:
ACKNOWLEDGE that Jesus is Lord and choose to live life His way.
ADMIT your sin and receive the forgiveness offered through Jesus’ death and resurrection.
ASK God to come by His Holy Spirit and live in you.
Once you’ve done this, tell someone! It’s important to grow, and others can help you do this and stand with you in prayer. We would love to hear your story and help you in your next steps. Call the church office or email Pastor Bryan Cerrone at bcerrone@walnuthillcc.org so we can celebrate with you!
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