Project Serve 2024
Thanks for checking out Project Serve 2024! We are excited to serve Jesus together this summer.
If you have any questions, please email Amy Mowrey at
Downloadable Documents
- March 17 – Support Letters are due. Please follow ALL instructions in your packet. (If you misplaced your packet or did not receive one, please let Amy know ASAP.)
If you are going on more than one trip or have a sibling going on a trip – you are still responsible for the mandatory number of people who will receive letters from you for each trip.
For example: Billy and Suzy are siblings and Billy is going to Belize and Suzy is going to Maine. They can send letters to the same people but are responsible for 35 different names between the two of them.
Jenny is going to Maine and Joni & Friends. She needs to send letters to 30 different people. (You can add a separate paragraph to your letter - on the back or on a separate piece of paper telling about the second trip you are attending.)
- March 31 – Family Payment is due. Log in to your registration on your Realm account.
Important Dates
- Sunday, March 17 – Mandatory Project Serve Meeting 12:30 p.m. at Bethel Campus
- Sunday, March 24 – Bake Sale Fundraiser at each of our campuses. Students are required to participate at a minimum of 2 fundraisers.
Please sign up to volunteer. Click the appropriate link for your campus.
Bethel Bake Sale:
New Milford Bake Sale:
Waterbury Bake Sale:
Valley Bake Sale: - Friday, May 10 – Variety Show Fundraiser at the Bethel Campus (more info to come.)
- Sunday, June 2 – Car Wash Fundraiser at the Bethel Campus (more info to come.)
Team Belize Reminder: You should all be in the process of getting your passport if you don’t have it already. Please enter all passport information into your Realm registration ASAP.